Jerome's song conception and my first original song for the band.
On Monday we began writing an original song based around a funky hook I showed to the rest of the band. From there we started thinking on...
Sequencing Original song.
For my first original song for squencing I had used a song I'd wrote for our band titled "unpredictable". Since we can use songs we have...
Completion of song 2 "unpredictable", original song of my own.
Our second song we had worked on started with an intro/verse i had wrote at home. I remember the band agreeing we needed a slower song in...
Original Song 3 titled 'Feet in the fire' conception, and recording.
Our final song came from a melody Jerome had shown to us on keys. When we heard this we were all in agreement that this would be a chorus...
Recording of song 1 titled 'Don't you' finished.
Before the half term we finished the recording of our first original song in the studio. In our last session in the studio on this track...
Stage performance of 2 songs.
Roughly 4 weeks ago we performed two of our songs on stage, one of which was a song we have never performed until today. While we will...