Rehearsal Evaluation Jan 16th-22nd.
Name * Ross Chatterton
Tutor Group *
What were your aims for your rehearsals from last evaluation? Did achieve them? If not, why didn't you?
Our aims were to have some cover songs finished so that we can add them into our sets outside of college. We accomplished this and now have decided on more songs to cover.
What went well during your rehearsals? How did this have a positive impact on your progression?
The rehearsal in general went well, we stayed focused and achieved what we set out to do. This has a positive impact for obvious reasons as it shows that we take what we do seriously and work professionally with the time we have.
What elements didn't go so well during your rehearsals? How did they have a negative impact on your rehearsal and how can you avoid them from occurring again?
Perhaps the time we spend on a certain goal could be cut down. For example we could spend our time on just one cover song and make sure it is polished, as opposed to going through different songs without having most of them full finished.
How productive was last week's rehearsals compared to previous weeks? Explain why you believe last week was more productive or less productive then previous sessions.
Last week was more productive than usual for us. I think it seems this way as we have been learning and playing through cover songs to play. This is a much faster thing to do than spending the time creating our own music.
Do you believe that you and your band have a positive attitude towards rehearsing? Explain why it is important to have a good attitude. If not how could you improve this?
We do, because we love doing what we do. Like anything if you approach something with a bad attitude, the outcome is always going to be a negative one. If you're not in a good frame of mind then you won't get the best from yourself.
Choose a rehearsal technique that you believe will be beneficial for your band to undertake (something that you do not do already)
Record a song and listen back to it
Apply warm up techniques
Create a rehearsal plan
Repetition of sections
Setting correct mix levels
Playing along to a metronome
Setting the pod up before session begins
Rehearse in stage format
Allow time for band Discussion
Explain why the rehearsal technique that you have chosen will help you progress within your band.
Our band is very good at songwriting and we can come up with new songs very quickly. The thing that we spend next to no time rehearsing is stage presence and is our weakest area.