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Band rehearsal, bringing my new song idea to the band.

Over the weekend I had been playing around with some chords at home and started writing an idea for a slow song, after our band decided we should have one in our set.

I get a lot of my inspiration from blues music, B.B king being one the top guitar players who influences my style of playing. So when I decided to start writing something for a slow song I automatically fell into a 12 bar blues style of pattern using the chords F minor7, B flat minor7,

C minor7 at a slow tempo.

I worked out some more ideas for the song and wrote a nice lick to go with the chorus. I brought these ideas into rehearsals today and we began working on my idea. Stefan started jamming along with myself and added in some smooth basslines into the chord progressions which really added to that slow bluesy sound. Matt also began joining in with some small guitar licks, and marco followed with the keys.

We talked a lot about what we want the song to be and started trying to structure what I have wrote so far and made good progress with the idea. We have recorded a small demo for this idea which will hopefully be our 3rd song.

Now this time around I had learnt more about theory work to do with chords, so I had a wider understanding on how to play with this initial riff, and where I want to take it. I began working on a verse, chorus hook, and an Intro one night when I was at home.

When we began working on the idea in rehearsal we didn't change much from my inital idea, only really just organised how many times a certain chord.

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