Reading our reviews, and reflecting on our performence.
Today we were given everybodies pieces of paper that had revied our performence. We read through the 2 things that went well, and 2 things to improve upon. While we did realise a lot of mistakes, and to some extent our lack of certainty in what we were playing, and where to play it, nina seemed to get a lot of negative comments, some unfairly in my opinion, with no real constructive critiscism behind the comments.
We also had a talk with Phil and he gave us his feedback, and advised us on how to improve in the areas we were weak in, such as everybody being on the same page in terms of knowing exactly how the songs are going to go, so we have no need to look at eachother for direction. Also improve the stage presence for all of us, a good example is on "limp-bizkit rollin" we should all be in synch with really showing physically it's a song people want to jump to, by headbanging on certain notes in time with eachother is one way.
All in all it was good to really look at where we are weakest as now, especially for me it's made me more determined knowing that we can do a great job, but only if we address these issues.