Confidence/stage presence and knowledge of equipment practice.
Today we spent our lessons working on how to be more comfortable on stage, and being more confident around eachother as a group.
This morning our first lesson was with nick in the stage area, where we did started the day off with a quiz in the style of university challenge. We seperated into band order and came up with a name for our "university", then nick would read the questions out and we would answer them as best we could.
For me, learning this way, regarding getting familiar with the equipment names and uses, was a lot better. It got my mind more engaged and active on taken in the information. After we finished the quiz, nick then told us to walk on stage, step to the front, make sure to look everybody watching us on stage and look at them all. We did this for about 20 seconds, then we left the stage. I felt like this was something that was greatly helpful in regards to being more comfortable on the stage, and to be able to look people in the eyes whilst ont the stage too. Eye contact is essential in forming the right kind of relationship you want with your audiecence, it shows confidence.
Next in the studio we had phil. Phill has us all singing a few seconds of vocals that had been reversed. We had to listen to this as best as we could and try to repeat the song that has been played backwards, and then sing it backwards ourselves. The idea of this was that hopefully when we reversed our backwards vocals, it would sound like the song was suppossed to played normally. Naturally not everybody being singers some people (including myself) felt slightly nervous about attempting to sing a few lines in front of the class as we know we cannot sing.
However, it was a load of fun and everybody had a go, including phil. This made everyone laugh, and really get a lot more comfortable around one another and helped build confidence when it came to everybody focusing on just you.